Writings & Interviews

This page offers links to many of my writings on:

  1. Education, information and knowledge
  2. Globalization, citizenship and family diplomacy
  3. Politics, economics and elections

For a full list of my writings, please contact me on Linkedin for my CV.


Democracy, Education and the Trump Voter (September 1, 2023)

America Needs Democracy Learning Communities (August 24, 2021)

Improve Your Networking: Five Insights from Social Science (August 3, 2020)

Interview: How to Craft a Fair Internship (June 29, 2020)

Seeking Families Worldwide to Answer 6 Questions on Facebook in 2020 (February 3, 2020)

Open Letter to Learning Life Families  (October 26, 2019)

Food Culture Project Results Are In!  (July 1, 2019)

First Global Storytelling Challenge a Success!  (December 12, 2018)

Globalization, Inequality & Opportunity  (November 26, 2018)

Introducing Cook, Eat & Learn Sessions  (September 20, 2018)

International Community Photo Project Results Are In!  (December 27, 2017)

Learning Life Holds First Live Middle East Dialogue  (March 12, 2017)

Character, Connected Learning and the Future of Power  (December 12, 2016)

Toward a Local Learning Infrastructure, Part 2  (November 21, 2015)

Toward a Local Learning Infrastructure, Part 1  (October 14, 2015)

If You Hear Old, You’ll Walk Old: Building on the Psychology of Priming (July 27, 2015)

New Report: Most U.S. Students Fail Civics, History & Geography  (April 29, 2015)

Information, Knowledge & Inequality in Modern Societies  (March 28, 2015)

Trivia vs. Signia: A New Word for the English Language  (October 29, 2014)

Education: The Good, the Bad, & What We Can Do  (May 31, 2014)

Knowledge, or Information?  (March 30, 2014)

Humans are Inertial, Social Creatures: Social Science for Incidental Learning  (July 31, 2013)

Op-Ed: Let Learning Live  (May 2, 2013)

Asking Bigger, Deeper Questions  (April 29, 2013)

The Strength of Big Bits  (March 31, 2013)

Tackling Public Ignorance with Incidental Learning  (January 25, 2013)

On the Importance of Knowledge  (December 13, 2012)

Let Learning Live  (December 13, 2012)

15 Ways Local Government Affects College Students’ Lives  (July 11, 2012)

Writing a Science-Informed Op-Ed: Detailed Instructions for Students (Spring 2012)

Live, International Video Dialogues for a Better World  (December 20, 2011)

Public Sociology & Community Organizing: Moving from CBR to COSC (Winter 2009)

Advice & Reflections for Graduate Students from an Assistant Professor (April 2, 2009)

A Manifesto for Knowledge Democracy (August 2006)

Democracy, Knowledge & the Division of Labor (May 2006)

Behind the Meritocratic Mask  (A Manifesto for Educational Democracy) (March 17, 2005)


Toward Localizing International Relations (August 23, 2023)

Citizen Diplomacy, in A Research Agenda for Public Diplomacy (June 8, 2023)

The Model Family Diplomat (April 19, 2021)

Toward Family Diplomacy for a More Caring World (September 12, 2020)

Situations and Human Behavior: Toward a Contextual Ethics of Diplomacy (Summer 2020)

Interview with The Peace Production on Inequality, Education & Diplomacy (July 27, 2020)

Interview about Learning Life’s Family Diplomacy Initiative, International Mentoring, and Democracy Dinners with GWU’s IPDGC (June 4, 2020)

Open Letter to Learning Life Families: Globalization, Segregation, Citizenship & Family Diplomacy  (March 26, 2019)

Five Reasons Why Diplomacy Should Involve Families  (September 30, 2019)

Seven Ways of Being in the World  (March 26, 2019)

Families: A New Voice for a More Caring World  (January 15, 2019)

Family-to-Family Collaboration for a Better World (October 26, 2018)

Ethnographic Study Comparing the Health & Food Cultures of High-Need Families in Washington D.C., Dakar, Senegal, and San Salvador, El Salvador (October 22, 2018)

Toward Good Health, Local to Global  (September 14, 2018)

Cross-National Ethnographic Study Comparing the Food Cultures of Lower-Income Families in Washington D.C. and Dakar, Senegal (May 1, 2018)

Food & Health in Senegal vs. the USA  (March 22, 2018)

Democratize Diplomacy!  (December 18, 2017)

A Neighborhood Approach to International Diplomacy  (April 18, 2017)

Watch: First Citizen Diplomacy Initiative Video!  (March 30, 2017)

Inspirations for Learning Life’s Citizen Diplomacy Initiative  (December 12, 2016)

What’s Your Position in the World?  (July 28, 2016)

A F.A.C.T. Approach to Citizen Diplomacy  (June 12, 2016)

Global Citizens for Our Global Age  (March 25, 2016)

Live, International, Video Dialogues for a Better World (June 24, 2011)

A Civic Ethic for the New Year (January 1, 2005)

Democracy, Participation & Civic Character  (February 24, 2006)


The Case for Democracy Markets (February 19, 2024)

Five Reasons to Support Democracy Festivals (January 11, 2024)

How Business Can Help Strengthen American Democracy (December 26, 2023)

Three Threats to American Democracy & Their Social Roots (September 27, 2022)

Interview with Civics Factor on Democracy & Education (July 6, 2020)

Three Equalizers in an Unequal World  (August 15, 2019)

What is the Purpose of Government?  (June 1, 2019)

Introducing Democracy Dinners  (April 16, 2019)

Three Deeper Take-Aways from the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election (November 15, 2016)

New Book: The Civil-Civic Citizen  (May 20, 2016)

Toward Participatory Democracy  (September 7, 2015)

Toward a Living Democracy  (June 14, 2014)

Can Face-to-Face Mobilization Boost Student Voter Turnout?  (May 9, 2014)

Toward Private Nudges for Public Citizens  (February 28, 2014)

Because Guns Make It Too Easy to Kill  (February 12, 2013)

15 Ways “Local” Government Affects College Students’ Lives  (July 11, 2012)

Beyond Political Crisis, Deliberation?  (August 14, 2011)

Central Florida: Political Epicenter of the World (June 29, 2011)

Why Americans Hate Politics & Why It Matters (June 24, 2011)

Rethinking How Democrats Engage People (February 2, 2011)

On Civility and Violence in American Society (January 27, 2011)

Deliberative Polling: Deepening Community Participation (June 2010)

The Myth of the Independent Voter (April 3, 2009)

Individualism in America: Are We Missing the Problem? (August 2008)

Democracy, Individualism & the Civil-Civic Citizen (my Ph.D. dissertation, delivered August 2007)

Social Character & Social Order (May 2006)

An Introduction to Some Critiques of Capitalism (Fall 2004)

Making History, Making Democracy Un-Extraordinary (August 2004)

The Division of Labor, #3: Insights from the Political Field (Fall 2003)

The Division of Labor, #2: Connecting Individualism, Skocpol & Sociology (Summer 2003)

The Division of Labor, #1: Connecting Bill, Kathy & Sociology (Winter 2003)

Are You “Growing Up Corporate”?  A Quiz  (2002)

Toward Habitual Democracy: Habit, Politics & Culture (August 2001)

Theorizing Political Participation: Insights from Pragmatism & Symbolic Interactionism (August 2001)

The Best Party on Campus: Political Detachment in a Political Association (my Master’s thesis, delivered August 1998)

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